Wednesday, November 15, 2017

“Everyone's Watching To See What You Will Do”

Chicken Turkey time folks, and with that comes this year's Thanksgiving episode, “Winner Winner Chicken Turkey Dinner”. As we know, the story tonight is about “everyone” having success during the holiday season (according to Jay, anyway), but not really.

But, as I noted a couple of weeks ago, just what is meant by “everyone” - does it include Alex, and if so, what might be her false success?

Anticipation Level: Low to Medium. My gut feeling is there's just not enough time for everyone to have their own story, so only a few people will face potential shame. If that's the case, then I don't think Alex will be one of them (more than likely it will just be the adults).

[5:00 AM EST POTENTIAL SPOILER UPDATE: Three sneak previews have been added to this page on SpoilerTV's website - the third one may have answered this.]

Of course, that's yet another double-edged sword. If I'm right, then at least as far as Alex is concerned it won't be much of a episode. But if I'm wrong...

Emotional Moment Potential: Low.
Game Changing Potential: Low to Medium.

...then who knows what Alex having a failure will mean for her future? It could just be a tiny bump in the road that's quickly forgotten, or it could be huge (hopefully more likely the latter, which is why I'm only adding “medium” to “game changing” - I doubt it gets emotional unless Jay reads Alex the riot act).

Are There Any Other Questions? Where's the first quarterly review? It's coming, but it won't be quarterly this season – I'm breaking the season into three parts this year (7, 8, 7 or 7, 7, 8)1. I'll post it probably next week during the next break.

I'll see you all later tonight, as usual.
1 IOW, I tried to start writing the review during the last break, but I just couldn't get motivated enough to finish it,  had a severe case of writer's block, so I'm doing it this way. OK, yes, it's the stricken-through reason.

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