Wednesday, November 29, 2017

“Everything You Want's A Dream Away”

Once upon a time, there was a Modern Family episode which was heavily promoted because of several special guest stars, although truth be told, at the time I had hardly heard of any of them. But it didn't matter in the end, because they were all eclipsed by one story about Alex that got very little pre-show attention. You may vaguely remember it.

So what does that last paragraph have to do with tonight's “Brushes With Celebrity”? Well, like “Under Pressure”, its main selling point (to most people) is a slew of guest stars (and this time I have heard of two of them, and I've heard of the band whose member is a part of Phil's story). But what it doesn't have (that we know of) is an Alex story.

You can probably now guess where the rest of this post is going:

Anticipation Level: Very Low.
Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.
Game Changing Potential: Very Low.

Yes, once again, unfortunately there probably isn't going much for Alex fans to see here. But is there nothing?

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Extremely Low. No, unless that back of the head shot of Alex in the promo commercial turns out to not be Alex at all. Even then, of course she could still appear. (Next week could be another story, but I'll get to that in due time.)

In Which Story Do I Want To See Alex Be A Part? I guess Phil's, but I doubt we're even going to get that.

Are There Any Other Questions? Nothing right now.

I do still have the first third of the season to review and I will – I probably will now extend it to include this week.

Ariel's going to be on Steve Harvey's talk show today – if she drops any bombshells about the show (or even Dog Years) I'll talk about it later, otherwise I'll be here later tonight.

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