Wednesday, November 1, 2017

“Here's A Toast To All Those Who Hear Me All Too Well”

Ho and Hum, meet tonight's episode, “Ten Years Later”.

Anticipation Level: Very Low. With not much for Alex (at least she'll be there) in the cards, I'm not really that excited about tonight (get ready for me to repeat that quite a lot in the next few weeks or longer - now that Ben's out of the picture it may be quite some time before Alex has another big story, unless something crazy happens in two weeks).

Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low. Like Mitch and Cam's wedding almost four years ago, the ceremony itself could have some emotion, but it almost certainly won't have anything to do with Alex.

Game Changing Potential: Almost None.

Are There Any Other Questions? With the World Series going to a Game 7 tonight, will ABC pull the plug on tonight's episode (and the rest of tonight's lineup) and air a re-run instead? It's possible (and if I hear anything I'll post ASAP – I even have a clever [non-lyrical] post title in mind) – some of the networks made switches last year rather than face last year's 7th Game (Modern Family and the rest of last season's ABC Wednesday lineup weren't affected – they were already pre-empted by that music awards show).

And ABC does have a history of shying away from big sporting events – even though it's in the middle of February sweeps they stay away from airing new episodes while NBC has the Winter Olympics (I'm expecting that to happen again this February).

So we'll just have to wait and see what happens (or doesn't).

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