Monday, November 20, 2017

"I Don't See You Every Day" (First Impressions - "Tough Love" - Season 9, Episode 9)

When I saw the title before reading the press release, I thought maybe this could be interesting for Alex.


Unless there is hidden story about Alex getting tough love from Claire (or possibly Jay) this looks like another empty week.  Maybe even Alex-less - if I could bet I'd bet that at least one of the next two will be.

The only possible interesting aspect from Alex's standpoint is a very indirect and potentially troubling one - could Phil leaving his real estate firm to go out on his own backfire (at some point), leaving the family with only Claire for an income source and forcing Alex to possibly come up with her own way to pay for school?  (Of course that assumes she's no longer working at the coffee shop, her status there being something that still not been mentioned since she was promoted last season.)

I'm guessing the episode that follows (December 13th) will be this season's Christmas episode - hopefully something will happen there.

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