Wednesday, December 13, 2017

“I Said To Myself, I've Got One Shot Left”

One quick personal scheduling note: One of my co-workers asked me to switch mid-week shifts this week, so I won't be home tonight when “No Small Feet” airs, but I will be watching it about 2 hours later. So I probably won't be posting a recap at the usual time, unless I feel like I don't have much to say about it, or possibly even a lot to say about it. Basically, to a point, the better Alex's story turns out to be, the more likely I'll hold off on the recap, unless it turns out to be really, really good (i.e. approaching “Under Pressure” level of good), then I'll want to say how good right away.

I'll let you all know if there will be a delay, and when I'll have the recap up if so (probably either Thursday morning or late evening).

Now that that is out of the way:

Anticipation Level: Medium to High. It is the final episode of 2017, and, more importantly the last episode before the holiday break, so that raises the level right from the beginning. And Alex has a story (she and Luke start an online business) that definitely has potential to be meaningful.

But I can't fight the feeling that tonight will end in disappointment again (i.e. the story will end up being no big deal), just like most of this season so far, so I'm tempering my anticipation a little.

Emotional Moment Potential: Low. Part of this is because I see this a being a story played mostly for laughs. At best, maybe we'll see an “Awww” moment between Alex and Luke – as a whole this show really could use one.

Game Changing Potential: High. This is one of those “keep in mind the key word is 'potential'” ratings. It could turn out this business turns to be a major success, but I doubt we're looking at the next fictitious Amazon or eBay. And still looming in the background is how Phil moving on to working on his own changes the family dynamic (and, among other things, is it the impetus for Alex and Luke trying to start a business to begin with).

Or, again, it could all be just a red herring.

Are There Any Other Questions? Any idea what this business will be? I can't find it online yet, but there was a commercial last night for tonight\s ABC programming. In it there was about a ½ second clip where Luke is taking a picture of Alex's shoe, and she pushes him away with her other (bare) foot. Could we be seeing an Internet version of Doctor Shoe? Hopefully they're not planning to sink $100,0001 of their parents' money into it (unless it works, of course).

Will there be any reference to the holiday season tonight? Maybe – that same commercial has a quick shot of Jay raising a champagne toast. That could be for Christmas, but more likely it has to do with his and Claire's story.

Again, you'll still hear from me later tonight, either with the recap or when it will happen.
1 Actually in today's dollars (as opposed to November 1989), it would be almost $200,000. Plus or minus a few bucks for parking tickets.

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