Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"Baby, Baby Let Me Sleep On It"

It turns out this break that Modern Family is on will be much longer than I thought.   I figured after these two weeks of reruns there would be one new episode on February 7th before they would take another two weeks off to stay away from the Winter Olympics on NBC.

But that's not the case - on the 7th ABC is airing something called "Inside Out" - I'm not sure what that is (there is a recent animated movie by ABC parent Disney with that title so that's a possibility), and frankly it doesn't matter to me.

So barring a last minute change, the next new episode will not be for more than a month, on February 28th.   I'm somewhat disappointed by this, but not totally surprised - with only nine new episodes to air until the end of the season in mid-May there were bound to be some large gaps.  Hopefully now once we get going again there won't be as many.

There is one possible downside as far as what we see from Alex is concerned - if there was going to be an episode on the 7th there would have been a good chance it could have been filmed while Ariel was on break between terms at UCLA (the winter term started on January 8th).  I'm guessing now that most of the rest of the episodes will be filmed during this period (final exams are in mid-March, which is probably about when the show will be wrapping up for the season).

So our chances of even one more big Alex story this season are marginal right now.  I'd say there's a better chance of multiple Alex-less episodes among the 9 remaining.

Anyway, as far as what this extended break means for this blog, I'm going to be on a bit of a summer-like hiatus until word about new episodes start to break.  In other words, don't expect a lot of posts before the middle of February (obviously there will be one post this coming Sunday, and I'm actually looking forward to that day [for 20 reasons - hint, hint] so, no, it is not one about the past episode - I'm still fighting that cold that hit me last week so I haven't bothered to come to grips about that debacle yet).

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