Monday, February 26, 2018

"What Are You Waiting For?" (First Impressions - "Written In The Stars" - Season 9, Episode 14)

For those who believe that good things come to those who wait, there's good news and not so good news.  Since the "not so good" pertains to Alex, let's start with that.

The press release for what is now Wednesday's episode is finally out, but, again, no sign of Alex.  On the other hand, once again as with "Spanks For The Memories", only two stories are mentioned so maybe Alex gets into a hidden one (her professor that is dating Haley is in the guest character list - whether or not Alex would be involved is another story).

So there is a chance for a little something, but I'm not optimistic.

As for the good news, I finally got to see The Last Movie Star early this morning, and that was worth the wait (both the long-term one and the extra day or so I had to wait due to technical difficulties which I'd rather not discuss).  It had a couple of awkward moments but in the end it was a very well done story (I won't spoil any plot details by recapping it right now since not everyone reading this can see the movie yet but I might say more about it in a few weeks).

Not to mention it was good to actually see Ariel get to give her typical impeccable performance while playing a major role in a movie/TV show for a change (OK, second fiddle to Burt, but heck that's still a lot better than being 10th or lower in the pecking order as is usual for her when she plays Alex).

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