Monday, March 5, 2018

"Put The Bottle Down" (First Impressions - "Wine Weekend" - Season 9 - Episode 16)

I feel like whomever has the job of writing the press releases with the synopses for future episodes was in a hurry and/or wanted to go home early when they wrote this one for the next new episode. It's probably the vaguest one I've seen since I started doing this blog.

All it tells us is that the family is going on a wine tasting trip with very few hints about who might be doing what, save for a side story with Gloria and Mitch.  So there is no clue what could happen to Alex, again.

Among other possibilities there are two almost completely opposite ones that worry me.  The first is since it involves wine it could be another adults only episode (save maybe for Haley since they are staying at one of her bosses houses, although said boss isn't on the guess character list), which would leave Alex out entirely.

The other possibility arguably could be even worse - if Alex is there, given that she's not in the best of frames of mind after last week, what if she decides to do more than simple taste testing?  Could we see her go into a wine-fueled rage and lash out at Haley about her relationship with the professor, and wind up doing and/or saying things she'll regret later?

One other wildcard: Elaine Ko is the writer of this episode, so if there are dramatics for Alex it could get very interesting.

Having said all that, I'm going to guess that I'm being far too paranoid again and letting recent events involving Alex put fears about her mental state in my head, and I'll end up fairly far off target in seeing either of those two scenarios play out.  But, as always, keep them in mind.

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