Saturday, March 24, 2018

"Thank You Gentlemen For This Opportunity. Now Move On Down The Road."

Is life imitating art again?  Sadly, it just might.

A couple of weeks ago, we saw Alex turn down an opportunity to partake in a prestigious, if difficult, summer internship at MIT, sacrificing a big chance at advancement to take some relief from a stressful life.

Well, apparently it’s now Ariel’s turn, as she has announced that she’s taking time away from UCLA to re-focus on acting for now.

As much as I hope this means more of a role for Alex in Modern Family’s final season next fall1 (and possibly another movie or two),  I’m still a bit disappointed that Ariel’s putting what could be a big opportunity for a career outside of acting (which isn’t a sure thing even for someone as talented as Ariel) on hold for at least a little while.  Hopefully it’s only temporary - I don't want Ariel to sell herself short.

1The rest of this season has already been filmed, so her decision won’t affect that.

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