Monday, April 23, 2018

"Hey Hey, You You, I Know That You Like Me" (First Impressions - "The Escape" - Season 9, Episode 21)

Remember at the end of my comments about the press release for "Mother!" how I thought we'd probably have no more Alex-less episodes this season?

Well, after seeing the press release for the next episode, I'm a lot less certain of that.

This is going to be the episode where Haley lands in the hospital and has many of her past/former boyfriends at her side, a list that now includes Rainer, the weatherman from last year who proposed to her then backed out.

(It also means that the last episode is back to being a total wildcard, especially with that totally vague title of "Clash of Swords".)

But, apparently, there's no sign of her family showing up (whatever causes her to go the hospital apparently will happen while she's meeting Professor Fennerman's family, and doesn't involve her own) - all of the adults are off on their own misadventures at a nursing home, and neither Alex nor any of the kids are mentioned at all.

That doesn't mean of course that Alex and the rest can't show up, but it sounds like whatever ailment befalls Haley won't be serious (i.e. her life probably won't be in too much danger) and will probably not last long enough for her family to even get there.

Obviously this could all change when promo photos come out, but I'm getting nervous about this one.  Maybe not "fall to pieces" nervous (hint, hint), but still.

[UPDATE 4/23 8:25: Well, so much for the hope in that last paragraph - no Alex in the promo photos just posted either.]

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