Monday, April 16, 2018

"Let's Talk This Over - It's Not Like We're Dead" (First Impressions - "Mother!" - Season 9, Episode 20)

So, does Alex have a big story in the next episode?  Not really.  Does she have a small one?  Yes, I guess:

"Phil, Luke, Alex and Haley all have different bad news to break to Claire and compete about when to do it, the tiny window of time after her monthly spa day when she’s her most relaxed..."

It will be interesting to see if the bad news is big (as in dropping out of CalTech big?  I think that's highly doubtful, but who knows given what the show has done with Alex this season) or not (maybe admitting to Claire that her encouragement of her running that race back at Thanksgiving was just Alex using  her as an experiment test subject).   

Also, since Alex is the one from whom everyone (including herself) expects a lot, will her bad news, even if not the worst, be perceived as such, either by Claire or Alex (e.g. Alex would think one failing grade on a relatively minor test would be worse news than, say, either Haley or Luke getting fired from their jobs)?

One good thing about Alex at least having something to do - I didn't say it this morning but as much as I thought this episode was the most likely of the last three to have a big Alex story, it was also the most likely of them to be Alex-less.  I now think that count will stop at four.

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