Monday, May 14, 2018

“When The World's Crashing Down”

A promo commercial for Wednesday's season finale was posted online tonight:

[EDIT: It looks like that tweet got pulled, but here's the promo on YouTube:]

[EDIT #2: Well, right after I edited this thread, @ModernFam tweeted the promo again so it's there, but the heck with it, I'm not putting it back up here.]
The bad news is there's no sign of Alex. The worse news is there is a quick flash of a scene with Claire and Jay at the closet company.

So that might be the third (non-revealed) story for the episode, and more likely than not that slams the door on Alex getting a story in the finale, unless she's somehow in that one (yes, it's possible, but I doubt that will come to pass).

But while that door closes, does a door which has been opened five times already this season suddenly crack wide open?  On ABC tonight (I haven't seen it online so no link) there was a general promo for their Wednesday night comedies and there was a scene shown with the adults but none of the kids at Joe's party (i.e. the Doctor Do-De-Da-Da story).

Two weeks ago I would have put the chance of the finale being Alex-less at less than one percent. Now? You'll have to wait until Wednesday to find out – as of this evening it is definitely nowhere near zero.

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