Friday, September 14, 2018

"Tomorrow Comes And We Might Go Away(?)"

First the smallish stuff:  Episode 2 will be titled "Kiss And Tell".  I suppose this could involve Alex and Bill, but who knows?

Now, the biggish stuff, maybe:

As you've probably heard by now, Modern Family plans on killing off a "significant" character, later this season but probably within the first half (November, probably?), with ramifications for many if not all of the characters.

I'll say more over the weekend, but I think it's almost certain they won't kill off Alex, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.  There is more than one reason (including one highly cynical one) for this, but the biggest one is I really doubt they'll kill off any of the 12 main family members in mid-season, even/especially in the likely-to-be final season.

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