Monday, November 19, 2018

"All The Leaves Are Brown" (First Impressions - "The Tree Of Strife" - Season 10, Episode 9)

So now we know some of what is inside the "Thanksgiving to Christmas" episode sandwich, as the press release is out for the middle episode.

Nothing specific about Alex, again, but it could be at least a little bit interesting, as we get the followup to Dede's death last month.  Specifically, we find out what possessions she has left for her family.

I'll guess it's almost certain she won't leave Alex a lighter.  It's less certain but still more likely than not what she leaves her will be something eccentric.

But maybe it's nothing - what if Alex falls victim to being forgotten again as the middle child?   That would probably be the possibility that would be the most interesting, albeit the highly cruelest one.  Before Dede's death I wouldn't have thought Alex would have been too fazed by the possibility (because she had more of a connection with her other gramdmother), but after seeing her unexpectedly sadder reaction to losing her second grandparent maybe being ignored might hurt Alex more too.

I'll probably post something new on Thanksgiving - maybe the first third recap I promised earlier, maybe something else.

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