Wednesday, November 7, 2018

“Are You Ready For A Real Career”

The title “Did The Chicken Cross The Road?” may not sound exciting, but with a probably huge Alex story on the cards (she's trying to get a coveted government job, but her family isn't helping, especially, albeit unwittingly, Phil and his past), tonight is going to be a very interesting night.

And, someone is going to find out they are pregnant.  It's probably not Alex (my earlier thought that it's a 90 percent chance it's Haley still stands), but, if..

Anticipation Level:  Very To Extremely High.  If I thought there was more than a small chance that Alex could be the one who ends up pregnant I'd go all the way to Extremely High for this – it would be fascinating to see how Alex would cope with that.  But, I still think it's going to be Haley and that would upstage Alex in the Dunphy hierarchy this week.

I think we'll find out more quickly than at the very end - if /when one of them starts feeling unwell I guess we'll have our answer.

Having said that, Alex will still probably have her biggest story for at least the short term, if not longer, so, yes, even though I think she's not going to get this job and she probably ends up disappointed at night's end, I'm still counting down the hours until 9:00.

The only way I can see myself being disappointed (as opposed to sad) is if Phil's revelation dominates the story, and/or if they pull a “Baby On Board” with Alex.   Or if Alex is offered the job in spite of everything and she turns it down for some reason (i.e. a repeat of what happened with that internship last season).

Oh, and since a repeat is airing on Thanksgiving Eve (last season's “Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner”) it's going to be at least 3 weeks before the next new episode (and wherever what happens tonight leads us), so that adds to tonight's anticipation level.

Emotional Moment Potential:  Extremely High.  Well, we already know that Alex is not going to be very happy with Phil – the only question is how badly does she want this job, and how crushing will it be if she doesn't get it through no fault of her own?  Probably a lot.

And if I'm wrong about who's pregnant...

Game Changing Potential:  Extremely High.  One way or another, Alex\s life will probably change tonight.  Either she lands her dream job, or, if she fails, she will probably start doubting herself again (like when Harvard rejected her four years ago).

One other worrying possibility – if she doesn't get the job because of Phil, will that follow her as she tries to get other jobs or tries for further college degrees (i.e. - “sorry, Alex, but your father being an unwitting Russian spy disqualifies you”)?

And, again, if I'm wrong and Alex is the pregnant one, that really changes things for her.

Are There Any Other Questions? I think I've covered everything.  For now.

Hang on folks – tonight might be the wildest ride of the season for Alex.  If I don't end up with a lot more to say tonight I really will be disappointed.

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