Wednesday, January 16, 2019

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Clap!”

It's too bad none of the “Blasts From The Past” for tonight can take us back to 2014 – it would be a lot more interesting than what we appear to be getting:

Anticipation Level: Very Low.  What a difference five years (and a day) makes.  This week in 2014 we were getting ready for “Under Pressure”.   This year?   At best we can hope for Alex just to show up.  And, just like last week, it's 50/50 at best we even get that. And we may not be done yet.

Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.  Last week's story with Haley and Dylan at least had emotional potential, if only Alex had been there.   This week – not so much.

Game Changing Potential: Almost None.  We'll almost certainly have to wait a couple more weeks when Bill comes back for anything here.

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: High.  The only reason to be more optimistic than last week is the fact that this week's story about Haley and Dylan is set mostly, if not totally, at home.  Theoretically that gives us a better chance for Alex to show up in a random scene or two.  In reality, I'm not getting my hopes up about it.

In Which Story Do I Want To See Alex Be A Part?  Actually, I'd rather see her show up in Lily's story – maybe there's something about whatever it is that Mitch and Cam find in her room that Alex could help with?  Yeah, not holding my breath on that one either.

Are There Any Other Questions? Not right now.

I have an idea about something different to post if, in fact, tonight it Alex-less, again. Whether or not I'll be in the mood to do so remains to be seen.

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