Wednesday, February 27, 2019

“What Are Words For, When No One Listens Anymore?” (“Red Alert” Recap)

Tonight can be expressed in four words: “Oh well, at least...”

Oh well, at least Alex wasn't the only one not to be able to get through to Lily.  Nobody else could either, until Mitch and Cam were finally able to do so at the end.

Oh well, at least the worst that Lily did to Alex was call her nerd – Manny didn't fare so well...

Oh well, at least there is now someone (Phil1) who can really sympathize with Alex about not being able to sleep.

And, finally, oh well, at least they didn't make Alex so boring (no that is not my opinion of Alex) that she would have been successful in helping Phil fall asleep by describing the struggles that are unique to women in science.

(Actually, that would have more interesting to hear than a lot of what we have heard this season, and I wish we did.  Oh, wait – Alex tried to say it again in front of the camera, but Claire cut her off.)

That's about it, actually – Alex had plenty to say tonight, but it just seemed like nobody wanted to hear her.

I am disappointed of course that they didn't do more with Alex and Lily.  Since I still feel like they are now, in a way, kindred spirits it's frustrating we never see that.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Maybe I'm just projecting my own frustrations with the science world. You know, there are only three female PhDs...”

Hey, I did say I wanted to hear what Alex wanted to say, so there you go.

It's hard to believe that it's February and yet there are only six episodes to go thus season.  It's gone way too fast and we're going to probably pay for it with a lot of breaks (including next week) and/or an early end to the season (I doubt we'll see the latter since I think they want to do the twins' birth for the May sweeps, but I wouldn't be surprised to be wrong).  I keep hoping for something big for Alex before we go away for the summer, but...
1 From my perspective, if they were trying to make Phil's tribulations funny they failed – just like with Alex four years ago it was really sad watching him go through that.

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