Wednesday, March 20, 2019

“And Billy's Hand Was Up In A Moment, Forgetting All The Words She Said”

So Bill is in tonight's “Stand By Your Man”, therefore, I should be chomping at the bit waiting to see it, right?


Anticipation Level: Low to Medium.   Well, not really.  See, the story that Bill is in is missing one teeny, weeny little thing.  Namely, Alex.  He's actually there as part of a boy's night, and not to be with Alex (as far as we know, for now).  So unless I see something different between now and this evening (she's not in the promo commercial either) I really doubt Alex will be doing much, if anything.

Also, there's potentially a LOT more to look forward to in two weeks with a story about Alex at CalTech, so tonight feels like a detour on that road anyway.

Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.  If Bill wasn't going to be appearing in the upcoming (but no idea when) “Can't Elope”, I might wonder if there was a possibility of Bill ignoring Alex, getting under her skin and leading to Alex to lash out at and break up with him.  If(?) she's there she might still lash out, but I think it would be mild.

Game Changing Potential: Very Low.  And, for similar reasons, I don't think much happens here either.

And that brings us to something one would think would only be remotely possible:

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: Medium. (??!!) At first glance this idea seems absurd – why would Bill even be at the Dunphy house if Alex wasn't going to be there waiting for him?  And yet, the closer we get to tonight, the more and more I'm fearing the possibility that she won't appear is all too real.

Plus, even with Bill being there, I also feel like we're due for an Alex-less episode anyway, and we know it won't be the next one.  So I'm putting the chance at Medium for now (in other words, about a 25% chance), and hoping against hope I see something later today that makes me post a “false alarm” post.

Are There Any Other Questions?  Did you see what I just did there?

One way or the other, I'll be back here later tonight. Unless (hopefully) I have reason to be here sooner.

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