Wednesday, April 10, 2019

“Hey Little Sister Who Is It You're With?” (“Can't Elope” Recap)

Well that was underwhelming.   Both the episode as a whole1 (save for the nice ending) and Alex's role.

One bright side was that it did appear that Haley wanted Alex as a witness as a nice sisterly gesture, and not simply because Alex was the first person they could find.

But once that plan to elope fell apart, Alex was, once again, reduced to being background noise (almost literally, based off everyone not wanting her to play the cello any more).

And there was almost no interaction between her and Bill – save for the bagpipes he wasn't much more than scenery either.

Actually, I wonder why Alex brought Bill over in the first place.  She was on board with Haley and Dylan's idea to elope and keep things simple – even if Bill is her boyfriend, why add another person to complicate things?

And, as much as I will praise Haley for choosing Alex as a witness, why didn't she take Alex with her and Dylan after the formal wedding fell apart and they headed out to the 24 hour chapel?

At least Alex didn't seem that upset by it (or, if she was, she got over it by the time they finally did get married).

So, unless something happens in three weeks in the next-to-last episode, it looks like Alex and Bill will still be together going into next season.   I'm hoping against hope that episode has something big for her (either something involving that relationship and/or her graduation from CalTech) – we'll probably find out on Monday but, as I've said before, I don't even have a lot of hope that Alex will even be there.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”I know – it's like this wedding isn't about them (Phil and Claire) - it's about you (Haley) and Dylan and me!”
Oh, well.  Tonight was disappointing (maybe I shouldn't have had any high expectations in the first place), but it still beats the repeats coming in the next two weeks (the Alex-less “Blasts From The Past” next week, then “Whanex?” with Cam throwing Alex under the bus about education the following week).  And, for me, in the middle of this, the Hell that is working Easter weekend in retail.
1Don't even get me started about that jerk with whom Jay wanted to help with his doggie bed business – anyone who disses Grumpy Cat is an even lower human life form than Reuben.

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