Wednesday, April 3, 2019

“I Study Nuclear Science, I Love My Classes”

I'm not sure if Alex does study Nuclear Science, but given she's at CalTech I'm sure she has the opportunity. Anyway...

It's not a question of whether or not I caught a break by being on vacation this week for 1) a new episode (when I put in for this week I had no idea one way or the other) and 2) we'd get an episode with an Alex and Phil story. The question is just how big of a break catching “Yes-Woman” during my week off turns out to be.

One new piece of the puzzle was added since I last posted – the promo commercial came out. Right at the very beginning there is about a one second peek of Alex at some sort of school social function (note the CalTech banner in the window on the left):

Since Alex quickly disappears behind the ABC logo, here's a freeze frame of her:

Anticipation Level: Extremely High.  Let's get the dread part out of the way first: We know Phil's appearance at CalTech will come as a surprise to Alex - what if he gets there just as this “event” (party?) is getting into high gear?  Will he overreact or will he be the cool parent about this?

Now personally, while, on one hand, as always I worry for Alex whenever alcohol is around (I'm guessing that pitcher on her desk does not contain ginger ale), on the other hand I've very intrigued to find out if this scene means Alex has actually finally found a comfortable social life at CalTech. I will be very happy for her if she does.

And maybe we'll get very lucky and have Phil wait to show up later, giving us a scene with just Alex showing her life at CalTech – we are long overdue for that.

While that scene does change things somewhat (more on that shortly), it doesn't change the fact we have an Alex and Phil story, which usually is a very good thing.

So, heck yes there's potentially A LOT to look forward to tonight.

Emotional Moment Potential: Very High.  Oh, there will be something tonight, barring the show playing this completely for laughs (that's always possible, of course).  To answer my question about Phil's reaction, I think if he walks in during this scene he will overreact, at first.  But then, hopefully, we'll see Alex show Phil that everything's fine and they'll hug it out in the end.

And if they don't?   Well, that just potentially could be even more emotional, and not just for tonight either.

Game Changing Potential: High to Very High.   The one other downside to that scene is how it diminishes the potential for tonight to change Alex's life, at least academically.

I originally figured the award she wins tonight (that she hasn't mentioned to Phil) was tied into her studies.  But now I wonder if this award could just be some sort of social prize (e.g. “Most Fun To Be With At A Party”).  It wouldn't be the worst of scenarios, but I doubt she'd add that to her resume.

I suppose there is one other non-academic game changing scenario – she meets someone here that makes her rethink her relationship with Bill.  I won't be shocked if that happens but I don't think it will.

Are There Any Other Questions?  So, will this be Alex's last big story of the season?

Even though Bill will be appearing in next week's “Can't Elope”, right now it doesn't look like it's going to be that big a deal.  That would leave just two episodes1 for Alex to have anything else happening. 

Her (likely) earning her degree at CalTech could be a big story in either of them, or it could get pushed deeply into the background while Haley gives birth to her twins. 

And if Bill is still in the picture at the end of next week's episode, there is a potential story or two there.  We'll probably know more about that after next week.

For a change I am actually looking forward to recapping things later tonight – hopefully I'll still feel that way when I get to do so.
1 There's still no word about what will happen after next week, but I'm fairly certain two weeks from tonight there will be a repeat of the Alex-less “Blasts From The Past” (the previous episode, “A Moving Day” re-aired last night.).

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