Wednesday, April 3, 2019

“Those Were The Best Days Of My life” (“Yes-Woman” Recap)

I think I need an extra insulin shot tonight – that story was so sweet in the best of ways.

I had zero idea when watching the promo that it was going to be Phil under those hats next to Alex – did anybody here figure it out before tonight's episode?

Of course, since it was Phil (and not a fellow student) whom Alex was with in that scene means I was totally wrong about one thing – Alex still hasn't had much of a social life at CalTech, and she admitted as much.  Hopefully, now that college is almost over and she's going into the rest of the world, even if the learning never completely stops, she'll get to use some of the time she's always spent studying on a daily basis to do more fun and social things.

I know a lot of people will think that Alex was being mean to Phil at that reception.  I don't totally disagree, but I honestly think she handled it a lot better than she could have – I could easily see Alex flat out telling (even in a too loud for a public function voice) Phil to get out after he embarrassed her when talking to the doctor who was deciding the winner of that award. Instead she tried to be subtle and somewhat polite.  And I give Phil credit for playing along, even as hurt as he must have felt when being rejected.

And it was a nice touch for Alex to apologize to Phil later at the pub, even if I'm not 100% sure it was necessary – the whole conversation that ensued was the best moment in an already very good story.  Except maybe for the part about them each using an app to track each other – that's a bit creepy on at least one level.

And so, for the second time this year, I thought Alex was going to lose a competition due to Phil saying something at the wrong time, only to happily win out in the end.

The only thing I didn't like about the end of the story was that it wasn't also the end of the episode.  They really should have let Alex and Phil have the final words of the night.

My first instinct about Phil's comment about Alex taking college courses for 10 years, was, not surprisingly, that that sounded like something Haley might say (or Haley might have done, for that matter) .  On the other hand, would it be that far-fetched for someone as smart and driven as Alex to take at least one college course in sixth grade?

The date on that poster said the reception was on Friday the 24th.  That would put this episode in late May (the last time the 24th fell on a Friday was in August).  Since that's not an actual CalTech award (at least not based off my Google search of "caltech kepler award") I wonder where they came up with that poster and date.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”It's Prank Week, and I spent the whole time in the library.  Sometimes I feel like I just went through the four best years of my life, only, I forgot to make them the four best years of my life.”  Actually, I hope the next four are the best of Alex's life, until the next four, then until the next four...

I really should have more to say about tonight than I do right now – I've had a bad case of writers' block for the past three hours.   At least I have a few more days of vacation to think about it.

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