Wednesday, May 1, 2019

“I Knew Right From The Beginning That You Would End Up Winnin'”

So, in theory, it's supposed to be a big day for Alex, tonight, as she graduates from CalTech on “Commencement”, so you'd think I'd be climbing the walls in expectation for tonight.  However...

Anticipation Level: Medium to High. It doesn't look like her graduation is going to be that big a story (we might only see the scene of her getting her degree at the very end), as most of the focus will be on another commencement, at her old high school, at which Cam will be presiding and Jay will give a speech.   And yet, in fact, it is that story which could be bigger for Alex tonight.

As you can expect, most of the family has gathered all prim and proper for the ceremony, but not Alex – she looks about as ragged (her hair is particularly frazzled) as she did at the end of “Queer Eyes, Full Hearts” (when she went sleepless for three straight nights), or during “A Stereotypical Day” (when she was feeling the effects of mono). The big question is why?

The more likely reason is something has happened to her, either something as simple as (ironically?) oversleeping and just throwing on some clothes and rushing over to school (maybe because she had a big night with Bill), or as complicated as getting locked in or out of something (her house, Dylan's van, etc.).

But I have a theory which will probably be 100% wrong – she's unhappy with the fact that her family is more invested in this commencement and not her own and looks that way as a statement.  In fact, as a sub-theory, maybe she's especially unhappy with Cam and is looking for payback for getting thrown under the bus by him in “Whanex?” a few months ago.  As much as I wouldn't be too happy with the former theory panning out (turning tonight into one of those rare times where even I don't like something does), I strangely would not mind the sub-theory happening (I'm still ticked off at Cam myself for what he did to Alex that night).

I'd still prefer they'd focus on Alex's big day instead, but I guess I'll settle for whatever we get tonight.  Especially since we're down to the last two episodes before an atypically long summer vacation (and with not a lot going on next week in the finale – more on that shortly).

Emotional Moment Potential: Low to Medium.  This would definitely be much higher if that focus was on Alex's big day.  Maybe if she gets to do a voiceover for that scene (or if she actually gets to give a speech during that scene, which is highly unlikely) I'll get to shed a tear or two – it is still her big moment, after all.

Game Changing Potential: Very High.  Again, it's Alex's big moment.  Plus, there is still a chance that if my scenario of the other commencement pans out her family dynamic changes drastically.  I think things would get patched up if that happens though.

Are There Any Other Questions?  Anything new about next week's finale?  There was a press release issued last week, but there was no additions to the story synopsis (basically everyone gets to talk about what happened on their birthdays, while awaiting the birth of Haley and Dylan's twins).  The only thing of note as far as Alex is concerned is that Bill won't be there next week either.  So it looks like the season will end with something of a whimper.

Oh, one last thing – it's supposed to start raining up here just in time for the episode to start, so I might get rain-faded out of watching until tomorrow.  If that happens I'll keep you posted.

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