Monday, July 29, 2019

"Don't Wanna Blink, Might Miss The Signal"

Sorry for the (yet another) long gap between posts - my schedule at work has been crazy, with a change in it that will affect what I'll be doing with this blog for the final season.  And that's not the only change.

The biggest change is simple - it looks like I'll be working Wednesday nights on a more-or-less permanent basis going forward.  A long-time worker on that night decided he didn't want to work that night anymore, and, when I needed a rare Tuesday night off a few weeks ago, I was put on the schedule on Wednesday night that week and left there.  And I'm not the "squeaky wheel" type to ask for it to get changed back (or ask for an earlier shift) - the only "grease" that wheel would probably get would be onto the skids that leads to the other side of the employment door.

So that means I probably won't be watching the new episodes live this final season for the most part - I did put in for vacation the week of the opener, and I'm definitely going to ask for the week of the finale off, but, for the most part my viewing of each episode will be delayed.  The question now, is, just when will I get to watch them, and when will I get to recap them (or bemoan the Alex-less ones)?

Which brings us to the second big change in my schedule, which has nothing to do with work:

When we first signed up for DirecTV at our house almost ten years ago, there was a small tree on the sidewalk in front of the satellite dish.  It wasn't blocking the signal then, but over the past couple of years, it has grown to this point:

In other words, we had reached the point this summer where we basically couldn't watch anything at all.  A couple of weeks ago we had someone come out and see if the dish could be moved to the (slanted) roof of the house, but he told us after looking at it that it couldn't be done.

So, we made the tough decision to give up DirecTV a little over a week ago, and now we are using a streaming service for most of out viewing.  The problem for me is that the service we are using doesn't include ABC or the local channel that airs their programming.  So, I'm still weighing my options (e.g. paying for a second service - doable since I don't have the big monthly DirecTV bill to deal with anymore) as to how to get to watch Modern Family this season.

One option I'll definitely continue doing is buying the episodes on iTunes (they haven't made the season pass available yet for this coming season but I'll buy it as soon as it does become available).  If that's the only thing I end up doing (the worst case scenario) then I won't be watching the episodes until the next morning (Thursday), and I'll probably post the recap on Thursday night at some point after work.

I will let you guys know what I end up doing in a couple of weeks.  And I will pick up the pace on my posts now that August is approaching.

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