Sunday, September 1, 2019

"'Cause It Don't Feel Like It's Over"

Maybe because it isn't?  This has been one very long summer.

Anyway, here's a couple random things for the (finally!) first day of September:

I've yet to hear too much at all about Season 11.  The first episode title will be "New Kids On The Block", which, not surprisingly, sounds like the focus will be on Haley's new kids, so it doesn't look like Alex will have a major role for the opener.  On their press release site, ABC has reposted the release for last season's finale to air one week before the opener, so maybe by early next week we'll know more about that.

As for the rest of the season, the only thing I have seen is a general release on the same page (Season 11 Fact Sheet).  All it says about Alex is:

 "...and middle daughter, Alex, is learning how to balance life outside of academia."

So, yeah, it doesn't look too awe-inspiring, yet.

Finally, one of my co-workers said something yesterday, which, little does he know, sounded interesting (or at least tangentially related to Alex) to me.  He was talking about his two cats, one of which has black hair, and the other has ginger hair.  He believes that the black-haired one is the smarter of the two.

Well, had Ariel not changed her hair back to black before starting filming for this season1  (she went ginger red in spring and there was some speculation that she might actually stay with the new look this fall), we might have had a chance to see that "theory" be tested - would being a ginger make Alex less smart?  Probably not (Alex did have red hair briefly at the start of Season 5), but now we'll never know (or will we? Maybe she'll get to change it back again later?).

Hopefully we'll have some real news soon.  Or at least another lame retro recap from me.
1 For those who want to see Ariel as a red-head one last(?) time, she is guest starring in the second episode of “Law & Order: SVU” this fall. I don't usually watch that show (I do occasionally binge watch reruns of the original L&O), but I'll definitely be watching that episode. I might even write about it here.

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