Wednesday, September 25, 2019

“Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose” (“New Kids On The Block” Recap)

Well that was quick.   Maybe slightly too quick?

As much as I wanted Alex's Antarctic adventure to not last too long (because as I mentioned before I had zero confidence that we'd see any real stories develop if they kept her down there), I actually ended up at the end of the night wishing they would have stretched things out for one more episode – it felt like she quit on the whole thing way too quickly (it turns out she was only there for a month, and I get the feeling she was miserable the whole time, regretting not taking that first job offer back home).

Plus, I wonder if it will cause Jay to think less of her (she was afraid of disappointing him by quitting) – AFAIK she's still the future leader of this family in his eyes – will that change?

So Bill is still in Alex's picture, apparently, for now.

As for Yngvar, yes he was a bit creepy (an unseen kiss to Alex from out of nowhere) and more than a bit weird (fish as a gift?), but in a way that whole fish thing was sweet in a , er, weird way.   Still better than Reuben, if nothing else.

I don't know what language Yngvar was speaking, but I'm surprised Alex hadn't learned it fluently herself by then – she did have a whole month to learn, which for her normally would be more than enough
(Unless his last words to her about the snow monster were a code for “I'll miss you”.  Then maybe when Alex said “Aw, I'll miss you too” it wasn't a misinterpretation after all.)

Somebody on Reddit spotted this – there was one major continuity error.  When Alex first returned to the base (after a fruitless check for mail) it was daylight, and she mentioned that the sun never sets there (in Antarctica).

Only one problem: that's only true during summertime in Antarctica, which happens in December and January, not in our summertime here in the Northern Hemisphere (which is when presumably this episode was set).  In our summertime it's totally dark in Antarctica 24/7. Maybe they need someone as smart as Alex to write their scripts.

Of course, on the other hand, she does have expertise in sleep deprivation.

There actually was a lot more to Alex's story than I expected, yet I still wish there was more.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”Sometimes in life you've got to know when to call it quits.  It's not always easy – it takes a lot of courage to admit your mistakes.   The only thing you can do is try to learn from them and keep moving forward.”
It was nice of the show to give Alex the closing monologue for the final season opener.  Odds they let her do the close for the finale?   I think the Dolphins have a better shot to win the Super Bowl.

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