Monday, September 16, 2019

"Maniac Brainiac" (First Impressions - "Snapped" - Season 11, Episode 2)

Until last year (and the first season), the second episodes of each season have given Alex something interesting to do.   And when I first saw the title of this next episode, I thought maybe we were back to normal, if not necessarily good for Alex (would she be the one to "snap", again).

Unfortunately, last year appears to have been the start of a new trend (OK, that "trend" will only last two seasons, but, still...), based on the press release for this season's second outing - the Dunphy story of the week is Claire wanting everyone out of the house when a business magazine reporter comes to interview her, so as not to embarrass her.  

Although, on the bright side, the chances that Alex will snap are a lot less than the title suggests.

I'd guess Claire is afraid Alex will show her up in some way when this magazine reporter shows up.  That's about the only way I can see Alex make Claire look bad.  Personally, if I were Claire I'd want to have Alex there to show off proudly, but, then again, of course I'm biased.

(There is of course, one other possibility I'd rather not bring up but will - maybe Alex won't even be there?  Yes, it's only the second episode, but...)

One other piece of news (in a pre-season that has been sorely lacking in news):  there will be a Halloween episode in a few weeks - Ariel confirmed it on an Instagram story:

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