Monday, October 28, 2019

"And You Light My Morning Sky With Burning Love" (Potential Spoiler Alert)

I know I'm late getting to this, but Ariel was on Ellen last Thursday (somebody I've never heard of was guest hosting), and while the interview itself didn't shed any new light about Alex, the clip they showed just before she came onto the set did give us a quick peek at what might happen between Alex and Bill this coming Wednesday (sorry but the linked video doesn't show that clip so I'll just have to describe it to you, after the page jump in case you don't want a potential spoiler).

So, one reason we haven't seen Bill yet this season is because he's been off fighting wildfires.  In a private camera scene, Alex mentions she sent him an "I miss you" text wearing a "cute' outfit (her words - they don't show it so I'll tale her word for it) but then in a flashback scene where they are out on a date, we find out Bill's reaction isn't what she wanted to hear - the return text wanted her to show a, shall I say, a less cute photo, and Alex obliged. 

But, it turns out that text wasn't sent from Bill, but from one of his firefighter friends (a guy with the "charming" nickname of "Creepy Craig") - Bill had borrowed his phone to text to Alex because his phone's battery had died.  So it was actually Creepy Craig who saw the less cute photo.

That's where the clip ended, so we're now left with the question of where do they go from there?  I'll try to guess where in the pre-show post on Wednesday.

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