Tuesday, October 1, 2019

“Get Out (Leave)”

I can't think of a lot to say about tonight's “Snapped”, except for one question.

Anticipation Level: Low.
Emotional Moment Potential: Low.
Game Changing Potential: Very Low.

I don't really see tonight as being that big a deal, other than I'm a little curious as to why Claire wants Alex out of the house for her magazine interview (as I said earlier, I'd think having Alex to show off would be a plus for Claire).

And there is a possibility it may be no deal at all, which brings me to:

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: None to Medium.  OK, this is a very weird range, but take a look at this Instagram post from yesterday:

It starts out with scenes from the past seasons, but, as it goes on, I see scenes that I don't remember.  Most importantly, the last scene with Alex and a straitjacketed Phil.  The only time I can ever remember Phil possibly being in a straitjacket when Alex might have been around was in “The Butler's Escape”.  But this scene definitely doesn't come from that episode – Alex's hair was lighter then.

So if I'm right and this scene hasn't aired yet, the only way tonight's episode could still be Alex-less would be if this scene is from a future episode and not tonight's.  It's not the most likely scenario but it isn't out of the question either.

So, basically the chance is “None” if that scene is from tonight, but, if it is not, I think there is about a 25 percent chance Alex won't be there – I haven't seen her in any other promo for this episode (e.g. she might still be on her way back from Antarctica), which puts it in the “Medium” range.

Are There Any Other Questions?  When will the recap be posted?   Again, since I have to work tonight I won't be seeing the episode until about 2 hours after it airs.   Since I have tomorrow off I can stay up later than usual and post the recap in the wee hours, if I have a lot to say about it.  If not (or if it is Alex-less. which would mean it wouldn't really be a recap), I might have it up at the usual time.

Which would probably be a bad thing.

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