Wednesday, November 6, 2019

“One Is The Loneliest Number”

So just how pessimistic am I about the chance that Alex will not be seen in tonight's “A Game Of Chicken”?  You may want to brace yourself before clicking “Read More”:

Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: A Near Certainty. (!!??)  There have been many times over the past 5+ years where I felt like for a particular episode there was a strong possibility, even sometimes a strong likelihood, that we would not see Alex.   But I feel tonight trumps them all, and by quite a lot.

At the barest minimum, I'd say there is a 99 percent chance of an Alex-less episode.  But I think that's conservative – I'd say it's closer to 100 percent than 99.

I'll put it another way: I would be genuinely SHOCKED to see Alex tonight.  There's just too much circumstantial evidence out there that we won't.

Beginning with the obvious: There is no sign of Alex in the synopsis or the promo photos.  (I've not yet seen a commercial for this episode.)

But even more importantly, we're at least due, if not overdue, for an Alex-less episode.   The last episode that she wasn't in was the 18th episode (“Stand By Your Man”) last season.  That means we've seen Alex in 9 consecutive episodes since.   Over the last two seasons, the ratio of Alex-less episodes is one for every 4 or 5 episodes where she does appear.  So, yes, we're overdue.

Finally, in a similar vein, as I mentioned last week, Alex is the only “kid” who has yet to miss an episode. There is no reason to expect that to last very long.

So, right now I cannot even think of a scenario where she will be there.

Anticipation Level: Very Low.
Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.

And even if I'm totally wrong about this, I doubt there will be much for Alex to do anyway.

Game Changing Potential: Low.   But, even if I'm right, there is still a slight chance that something will happen which could change how Alex's life goes.  If Claire's story about the fallout from the closet scandal blows up and leaves her out of a job (possible - otherwise why would Jay be offering her a lesser job in a few weeks?), then that could have a trickle-down affect on Alex.  Not at much as even last year (when Alex was still at least partially financially dependent on her parents to get her through CalTech), but maybe this forces her to decide to put money over other factors in deciding what job she takes, in order to help keep the family afloat?  

Yes, this is something of a stretch, but I need something given how little else we have tonight.

In Which Story Do I Want To See Alex Be A Part?  Probably a moot point, of course, but it would have to be a role in Claire's story – again, she would be probably be the best choice to save the day.   It's almost certainly not happening, though.

Are There Any Other Questions?  I can't think of anything right now.

If something comes up in the next hour or two I'll let you know.   Otherwise, expect me to say just a few words tonight.

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