Tuesday, December 10, 2019

"Buildings With A Hundred Floors"

Finally, something potentially interesting has popped up (per Ariel's Instagram):

So, whatever this new job Alex ends up taking, it looks like she gets a office right away.  That's quite an accomplishment in and of itself.

Of course, this doesn't mean we'll get a big story out of it, or even a story (remember how the first two times we saw her working at the coffee shop, it was only in minor roles to other family member stories?), at least it gives us some hope as we enter 2020 (for one thing, while other family members could/probably will show up at her office, it's less likely that a story there would not involve Alex more actively).

(P.S. I checked on Wikipedia, and the tallest building(s) in Los Angeles only go up to 73 floors, so unless her job is out of town then we won't see her in a 100 floor building.)

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