Wednesday, January 8, 2020

“And You (Erupt) Like A Volcano” (“The Prescott” Recap)

OK, I'm fudging that line a little, but the actual word replaced by "Erupt" is NSFW and doesn't really fit my mood1 (it's from a song called “Supernova” - the link is NSFW as well ).  “Erupt” does fit absolutely perfectly, as I am really, REALLY ticked off at how the family and the show in general treated Alex this week.

And it's not even like I didn't see this coming.  I actually was thinking of changing the “Emotional Level Potential” category in the pre-show to “Poor Alex Potential” because of this possibility, but decided with so few episodes left it wasn't worth it.   If I had used that it would have been even higher (Extremely High at least) and I would have nailed it.

If Alex does transfer to New York at/after series end (as she hinted at during the Christmas dinner she might do), tonight might have been the night that clinched that decision.

Tonight was “A Stereotypical Day” squared – the family taking advantage of Alex to selfishly get their own needs satiated.  While Alex wasn't sick this time, in many ways it was worse – this time their selfishness got Alex into trouble that she did not deserve.

And I'm not sure with whom I'm angriest at the most – it's pretty close to an eight-way tie.  Probably Jay is the one with whom I'm least angry because all he originally wanted to do was see a movie in peace.  But he too stole Alex's pass code so he is not nearly totally blameless.

As for the rest, for now I'll invoke the “if you can't say something nice about someone don't say anything at all” rule.  For now.

At least Alex finally got to read everyone the riot act the next day.  Personally, I wish she had caught them all at the cabanas (was that what they called “Westworld”?) and got them arrested for trespassing.

Or, if she hasn't been evicted (more on that shortly), make them drive all the way back to her apartment to yell at them instead of driving over to her parents' house.

And at least we did see Alex in that closing credits scene – after the opening minute she was barely there until the end.  Considering this entire episode was set at her apartment building I find it borderline disgraceful that she had so little to do there – it was even worse than the first two times we saw her at her coffee shop job three seasons ago (at least she was still in the background then).

And even though the letter Alex had was just a bill for all the charges they rang up (by my calculation just shy of $1,500 plus the cost of the eight sliders and coconut water that Phil tried to have2), I'm not totally convinced she didn't get evicted on top of that – the possibly that it still could have happened as well was left unsaid.

The only bright spot was we didn't see Alex at her office, so there should still be an episode there (I'm not holding my breath for a second one).  But if it ends up anything like tonight, even that won't be particularly bright.

Honestly, maybe this episode was hysterical to many watchers, maybe even to a couple of people reading this (it was a lot like the “Las Vegas” episode from Season 5).  But I just can't get past the fact that poor Alex got totally shafted on so many levels to ever look at this one without being angry about it.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”My new company is putting me up at the Prescott, a luxury residence with full amenities.  I admit this extravagant lifestyle can make me uncomfortable.   (Alex turns to her pedicurist)  Gentle, Marta!”   I still doubt she'll have to worry about that too much longer.

I just hope I can get this anger/frustration out of my system before I go back to work tomorrow afternoon, or it's going to be a very long (or very short) day.  Maybe I'll just be merely depressed by then.
1 Well, not literally, anyway.  Figuratively, OTOH, as an expression of anger...

2 Alex didn't mention the amount – it's also possible those were included in the $200 tab for Jay's Sugar Babies.  And there was no mention of Claire's hair dye treatment so I don't know if Alex was charged for that either.

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