Wednesday, January 22, 2020

“Only To Rise And Fall Again”

This pre-show to “Dead On A Rival” is going to be a quickie, since A) I'm starting a vacation today, and I'm focused more on getting out and about than I am about tonight's episode, which, B) doesn't look all that interesting anyway:

Anticipation Level: Low .Only the fact that it's three weeks until the next new episode keeps this from being lower.  I don't see Alex having much to do tonight (and that's if she's even there).

Emotional Moment Potential: Very Low.   I think the show in general used up a lot emotion last week, so don't look for much tonight, and even less so as far as Alex is concerned.

Game Changing Potential: Low.  One of the stories could lead somewhere if Alex is a part of it (see below), but I'm not holding my breath
Chance Of An Alex-less Episode: High.  I'm actually more pessimistic about tonight being Alex-less than last week, and we know how that turned out.  I'm guessing slightly worse than 50/50.

In Which Story Do I Want To See Alex Be A Part?  Well, since Phil's story is about a former neighbor who's big into tech, that seems like the story most up her alley.  Depending on what happened after the family's hi-jinks at her apartment two weeks ago, maybe she needs another new job?
Are There Any Other Questions?  So why start a vacation on a Wednesday?  Well, I wanted a week off (after another crazy holiday season), including a weekend, and, for obvious reasons (22 of them if it's not that obvious), I wanted next Tuesday off.  But I didn't want to be off next weekend for work reasons, so I basically split the difference.

I'll be back around the usual time tonight, although I doubt I'll have much more to say.

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