Wednesday, January 8, 2020

“You Can't Start A Fire Without A Spark”

It's 2020, and it's time for Alex to start a brand new and exciting part of her life, including a (new-job provided perk) new apartment at a place called 'The Prescott”.  Nothing can possibly go wrong, right?


Oh, wait – her family's visiting her and they're going to get into trouble.  So, maybe everything could possibly go wrong: 

Anticipation Level:  High.  I'd go higher than this, but while the episode as a whole will affect Alex's life (more on than shortly), for the most part the focus is not on her (it's on whatever trouble the rest of the family starts for her).  As far as we know she doesn't have her own story at the apartment building (i.e. a story about her interactions with anybody who lives there).  Since this will probably be her last episode living on her own in this apartment (I'm still betting she gets evicted because of her family), I'm hoping against hope we would see something for her tonight.

Still, this is the first episode in about a month, and I don't see much interesting happening in the next couple of episodes, so tonight is probably the best we're going to get for some time.

(Not to mention the “dread factor” adding to things, naturally.)

Emotional Moment Potential: Medium to High.   I expect Alex to have some level of a meltdown if/when she finds herself being evicted for her family's transgressions.   Unless she gets homesick (again) and reveals she wants to leave the apartment anyway.   That is definitely a possibility, and could have its own set of emotions.

Game Changing Potential: Extremely High.   Of course we already start with a game changer, that Alex has this big-time new job which gives her a place of her own at a high-end apartment, with at least two famous people staying there.   The question is how much does the game change back, if in fact she does leave the apartment at night's end?

It seems unlikely, since there is at least a scene coming up later this season(?) at Alex's office, but could her being evicted cost her this new job as well (e.g. living at the apartment is a requirement of employment)?   I wouldn't bet on that, but I'd be scared to death to bet against it too.

Are There Any Other Questions?  What is the chance we see Alex at her office tonight?  I'd put it at less than 10 percent – I think that scene Ariel hinted at in her Instagram a few weeks ago won't happen tonight (this episode was filmed a few weeks before that).   I hope I'm right about this – if I'm wrong and that's the only time we see Alex at her office, who knows if Alex will even have another story ever again?

Again, I'm home tonight (actually I have the next four Wednesdays off), so I should have the recap up at the usual time for a change.

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