Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Just a quick post today

I'm sorry, but I've got a lot of stuff on my mind today (it's been a pretty rough last 24 or so hours), and right now any thoughts about what happens to Alex have to go on the back burner for a while (that's also why there's no lyric in this post).

Not that there's a lot going on tonight for Alex in "Spuds", anyway.  While there is at least a small (20%?) chance we actually see her tonight (unlike last week when there was zero chance), I still expect tonight to be the second of back-to-back episodes, and even if she is there (the best chance would be before the rest of the family goes to that restaurant) I don't expect much for her.

I'll post something later if she does show up, otherwise I'm going to be taking a break from posting for a while.

Also, I was trying to tweak the Disqus comment settings and I found out that setting comments to moderated is pretty much irreversible.  I'm not sure what will happen if someone tries to post, but likely either a) you might have to verify your Disqus account and/or email (not through me, but the system, I think) or b) I'll have to approve any messages before they show up (I'll try to do that when I can - I'm probably not going to be on this site much the rest of this week).  I'm sorry about that too.

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