Thursday, March 5, 2020

"Comin' In and Out of Your Life" (First Impressions - "Baby Steps" - Season 11, Episode 15)

I'm surprised there actually will be a new episode  on March 18th, as I'd expected ABC to wait until the following week to start the final four episodes - I presumed single episodes on the 25th and April 1st, and a two-part finale on April 8th.  Now I'm not sure how the rest of the schedule will look.

Anyway, the potential big story is not in the synopsis nor in the promo photos - Alex is nowhere to be found in those.  But, Arvin (the professor from CalTech who taught at least one of Alex's classes and had a brief relationship with Haley, somewhat to Alex's chagrin), is returning.

And this might not be a one-shot deal - during filming of the final episodes a couple of weeks ago both Ariel and Sarah posted selfies on their Instagram stories with Chris Geere, the actor who plays Arvin.

Now this could just mean Arvin is trying to get back into Haley's life, even though she's married to Dylan and has the twins.  But, maybe, just maybe, one way or another, his road may (finally) take him to Alex?  Yes, I still think the probable age difference is a bit much, but, at least, since Alex is no longer at CalTech that possible conflict of interest is off the table.

Or, maybe there is one more possibility - maybe Arvin offers Alex some sort of job (e.g. assisting him at CalTech)?   Since we haven't heard anything about Alex's current job since she let Margaret go as her assistant, maybe she's having second thought about staying there?

Let's keep an eye on this - this last month may still have a happy (or sad) twist for Alex.

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