Thursday, March 19, 2020

“If You Change Your Mind, I'm The First In Line” (“Baby Steps” Recap)

Well, I did add up some of the pieces correctly.  I'd say good enough for government work, but, given the way they're handling things right now, I might actually be overachieving.   Not at Alex's level, of course (that would take a miracle along the lines of hitting Powerball), but...

I do wonder, though, just how Alex succumbed to the temptation of taking that job with Helo.   The allure of making tons of money and the other luxurious perks seems more like something enticing to Haley.  In the end, I'm a bit disappointed in Alex – maybe she believes she was doing good things for the world in that job but based on what I heard about what they really do tonight she probably should have had second thoughts.

Now, at least she gets a second chance with Arvin's artificial intelligence project.  Yes, it's possible for bad things to come from that ("cough...Skynet...cough") , but for now I don't see Arvin turning evil.

Now it is too bad things are ending in the next few weeks because I'd love to see that story.  While it appears there's little chance that they will ever become romantically involved (it's not totally out of the question but I'd bet against it) professionally I think they'd have good chemistry together.
And while Haley did manage to sneak into the story at CalTech, I was glad to see that they fairly quickly went past Haley and Arvin's past relationship and let most of the focus be on Alex.

Alex's Line Of The Night: ”I'm going to go see if I can still return these.”  I don't know if I've bought $1,000 worth of shoes total in my whole life.

90 minutes left - have we seen the last big story for Alex?

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