Saturday, September 20, 2014

"There's not much going on today..."

I'm really surprised we've not had any details about "Do Not Push", the second episode of the season (no press releases that I know of, and while the episode shows up in my DirecTV box guide there's still no plot descriptions listed).  Not that I have a high expectation for it (other than the fact it should be the back to school episode so Alex should have something to do) since there's already an Alex story for "The Long Honeymoon" and I doubt they'll give Alex big stories in back-to-back episodes (for now, anyway).

The only thing I can take from the promo commercial for the premiere is that the story probably won't have a particularly serious tone (OK, there's only one scene shown and it involves a typical "Clumsy Phil" moment so there is still margin for error in that prediction).

Oh, and I'm developing a bad case of writer's block trying to come up with that "Under Pressure" post I keep saying I'm getting to.

On the bright side, this mini-update does give me a chance to quote a line from an Avril Lavigne song ("He Wasn't") in the title (and it won't be the last time...).

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