Tuesday, September 23, 2014

“You've Got To Keep Your Mind Wide Open” (First Impressions: “Do Not Push” - Season 6, Episode 2)

Well ABC finally released details about the second episode, and I tried to post a link to the SpoilerTV article that contains it (it's part of a lenghty daily news report) but I can't seem to get the "a href" tag to work today*.

Anyway, it looks like the dance of where Alex ends up starts next week:

”And, the Dunphys head to Caltech for Alex's college tour and while Claire is busy convincing her to choose this school and stay close to home, Phil, Luke and Haley branch off to participate in a psyche experiment.”

So Caltech is in play, for now, but given she wants to go east, would Alex try to do something crazy to get herself removed from consideration before she even applies? Of course, with the rest of the Dunphys off probably doing something wacky on campus, she might not need to...

Normally, I'd really be excited about this episode's potential, but I have a sneaking suspicion the other half of the Dunphy story might overwhelm Alex and Claire's half. We'll find out in 8 days.

*EDIT: OK, let's try this.

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