Sunday, October 26, 2014

“It's Close To Midnight...”

(OK, it's actually already past Midnight, but this is Halloween week, hence the “Thriller” lyric – I already have a Halloween-ish lyric from another song picked out for this coming week's episode recap.)

Two quick Modern Family items before bedtime (scared yet?):

”Under Pressure” gets its first airing on USA next Tuesday (11/4) at 9 P.M. So much for the thought ABC might hold it for post-November sweeps re-run season. Hopefully, I will finally post my thoughts on this incredible episode sometime next Wednesday (especially with no new episode scheduled next week).

Episode 10 (which probably will air sometime in December and also probably will be the only new episode that month) is tentatively titled ”Haley's 21st Birthday”. Let's see if we get a nice moment between Alex and Haley, or if we get one of those rare moments where Alex does something so wrong even I can't defend her. And might we get a callback to Alex's 16th birthday party and her cake-mashing?

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