Wednesday, October 22, 2014

“Won't You Be Our Neighbor” Recap

Sorry, no clever song lyric tonight – I could have gone with a vague reference to the new neighbor's occupation but I just did not want to go there...

Again, they didn't give Alex a lot to do tonight (except a little pretend gardening), but 1) they did leave the door open to a potential relationship with the new neighbor (but...), and 2) the rest of the show made up for it.

Right now, if I could (i.e. this show was real life, and I could afford to do it) I would try to find Jason (the kid from the Boston area Alex met at the CalTech tour) and send him a one way ticket to L.A. - anything to keep Alex from that new kid on the block (I know he has a name, but, as the Rock would say, “it doesn't matter what his name is!”)

Of course if it wasn't Alex a date or two with the redneck kid would be exactly where this ends up - this may now be the one time I actually hope they don't make a long-term story out of it. Yes, I did say a few weeks back I wanted to see a ”Romeo And Juliet” story develop – I didn't realize just how loathsome these new neighbors were going to be (that's actually a complement to the Modern Family crew – they did such a great job of giving us a group of people to root against vis-à-vis the Dunphys).

And while this doesn't really have anything to do with Alex, could they be turning Lily into her “Mini Me”? How mature of her to want to stay in Mrs. Plank's class so she could learn.

Alex's Line Of The Week: (talking about the new neighbors) ”Yeah, especially that boy with the ripped jeans and the long hair and those blue eyes who called me hot. (Pfft) Me, hot. What?”

(Yeah, I so do not want those two together...)

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