Wednesday, October 22, 2014

When Life Gives You A Randomizer Package...

...make a new MS Paint-enhanced blog picture - life will be all like "Whaaaaaattt"?

OK, so I'm bored, and there's not much to talk about concerning Alex right now (even Ariel's gone off the grid for a while, or so she said in her last tweet 2 days ago).  I figured, why not spice up the Nerd Herd from ToeJam And Earl and make them out to be heroes instead of villains for a change?   We all know they'd be among the ones that Haley's fans would be working for today...

Unless I think of something else, I'll be back tomorrow morning with what is likely to be yet another short recap (of tonight's episode).   And that's if the heavy rain we're supposed to get up here in New England doesn't cause rain fade around 9:00...

(11/1/2014) Update: Since I've since changed the front page picture, here it is:

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