Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"I'm Standing On The Bridge...I'm Waiting In The Dark"

A few thoughts while we wait for next week's new episode (there's not much new info about that - the promo photos that I saw had nothing to do with Alex's story):

I'm still ticked off that last Friday's USA Network's Modern Family marathon finished with four straight Alex-less episodes. I mean, really?

Odd that ABC skipped the season opener ("The Long Honeymoon") for tonight's re-run, going straight to "Do Not Push".  Since they both featured Alex-centric stories I don't read much into it.

I wonder if we're going to see Alex get jealous of Haley having a new job.  It's possible - Alex has been studying hard for years (and lately paying a price for it) trying to get into a great school and ultimately a great job, and now Haley, whose study habits have been, to put it kindly, not quite as committed, lands what seems to be her dream job?  I'd be at least a little bit ticked off if I were Alex (but from a personal standpoint, I'm glad for Haley that she found a job doing something she likes and I hope she's successful at it).

That's it for now.  Have a happy Thanksgiving, and don't eat as much turkey as the Dunphys did.

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