Wednesday, November 19, 2014

“You Mean You Forgot Cranberries Too?“ (“Three Turkeys” Recap)

OK, that's actually from a Christmas song, but since my family has rarely done turkey on both holidays (we're like the Whos and prefer a Christmas roast beast), and there's no Christmas episode to recap this year anyway, I figured I'd use it now.

Oddly, the most interesting development with Alex began when she wasn't even on-screen, namely when Claire remarked how she was going to miss her when she was in college. It looks like the east coast (or somewhere else outside Southern California) might still be in play, for now.  Or maybe Alex plans on living away from home even if she stays close to it.

Obviously they needed the power failure to advance the story and send everyone to Jay's house, but a part of me wishes they had stayed home, and just have Alex and Claire talk to each other about life while the backup turkey cooked for a scene or two. Of course this episode was never going to be about that - style-wise the story went the “Las Vegas” route, only funnier (I didn't like that one nearly as much as most people, BTW). Alex at least did get to go along for the wild ride.

But why wasn't she concerned about Claire using that oven in the crib and covering it up – wouldn't that be another fire hazard?

Probably unintentionally there was a hint of foreshadowing about Alex getting a boyfriend from Haley. We'll find out in two weeks.

And although Alex ended up exhausted for the second week in a row, at least this time it was from a large dinner and not over-obsessiveness about studying.

Alex's Line Of The Week: (while Claire is basting the backup turkey in Alex's old crib) “You're telling me. Until you get home every day, my main job is keeping Luke alive. I actually caught him on the treadmill with scissors.”

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