Monday, November 17, 2014

“Just My Imagination, Running Away With Me” (First Impressions - “Strangers In The Night” - Season 6, Episode 9)

The full press release is here.

Well, finally, something's going to happen, but I'm not sure what.

Two snippets from the release:

When Alex tells Phil and Claire she has a boyfriend, they worry they've put too much pressure on her and has made up an imaginary boyfriend."

"Guest cast includes Kristen Johnston as Brenda, John Karna as Alec, Yuriy Turchyn as Teddy, Eileen Galindo as Mindy and Marcus Folmer as Photogrpaher." (The emphasis on the ones who could be the potential boyfriend is mine.)
As best as I can tell this is not the one Ariel Tweeted/Instagrammed about a few weeks ago (The guy from The X-Factor in the picture is named Carlito Olivero). So likely there's still that one further on the horizon.

I'm presuming the pressure they're talking about from Phil and Claire is in getting a social life – it's obvious that Alex puts much, much more than enough academic pressure on herself (as we've just seen) as it is.

But would Alex really go the George Glass route (kids, ask your parents or Google about that reference)? Or would she actually date someone with a similar name to hers (Alec)?

And given that it's probable that date episode's still out there with a different guy*, is Alex headed for a different sort of heartbreak?

Tune in tomorrow December 3rd to find out, I guess (unless something gets spoiled sooner). At least we have something to look forward to, finally.

* There's not much of a clue in the titles for episodes 11-13 (presumably the first episodes of the 2015 part of the season, and presumably it would be one of those three): Episode 11 is titled “Closet? You'll Love It!”, Episode 12 is titled “Connection Lost” and Episode 13 is titled “The Day We Almost Died”. Those look very interesting, even if not necessarily from Alex's standpoint.

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