Monday, April 13, 2015

"Hello Heartache" (First Impressions - "Integrity" - Season 6, Episode 21)

The press release is here, the sighs of disappointment are down the hall.

So right now it looks like we'll be all in with "We're Number One!" - there's no Alex story mentioned in this episode (and with 4 or 5 stories already listed, it's unlikely one will sneak in) where I was so hoping for one ever since the title was revealed.

Although Principal Brown does appear in this one it's for a story involving Claire and Luke (hopefully Claire doesn't jeopardize anything for Alex by pushing too hard for an award for Luke).  I'm guessing he'll be back for what now looks like maybe the last big Alex story the following week (will she be valedictorian?), and it will likely also involve her interaction with Sanjay.

On the bright side, unless somebody's being sneaky with the press release at least her story will play out during May sweeps.   And we still have at least a sliver of hope for something in the last two episodes.

[Edited 10:29 PM 4/13: 3 "looks like"s in one sentence? Seriously? I had to edit that out...]

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