Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Lay Back, It's All Been Done Before" (First Impressions - "Knock 'em Down" - Season 6, Episode 20)

The press release can be found here.

Ugh! Another potential all-adult episode in the works? I thought this show was called "Modern Family", not "Modern Adults"?   (Haley's mentioned, but she's 21 now, and her story in this episode is very adult-oriented as are the other two).

So instead of the expectation of an episode where Alex wasn't going to be involved much but at least wasn't likely to be missing (having missed the typical 2 already), we have an episode where it's actually more likely than not she will be missing (along with the other kids) - unlike "Haley's 21st Birthday" they don't mention a separate story for the kids, and I really doubt we'll see one.  And while while Ronnie and Amber, the adult neighbors from Hell return (that alone may salvage a halfway decent show from the wreckage) their kids do not (by the way, if I'm not mistaken we never did see Ronnie, Jr. again after he flirted with Alex in their first appearance - so much for worrying about them getting together).

And again, just because usually they keep Alex (and the other kids) out of 2 episodes a season does not mean they won't do it a third time - she missed 3 in both of the first 2 seasons (in fact if all the kids go missing this week it will be the 4th week for Lily this season, and it would be 3 for Luke as well).

If it happens, let's hope they make up for it in the last 4 episodes (although the closer we get to the end the less optimistic I am about that - we may only get the one more big Alex story with Sanjay, probably in "We're Number One!").

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