Monday, April 27, 2015

"The Sun Is Shinin' Down, School Is Finally Out" (First Impressions - "Crying Out Loud" - Season 6, Episode 23)

The press release can be found here.

The release doesn't really add much to what we already know, that Alex will be dragged into observing senior ditch day by her family.  The only additional note is that (here's a shock) they will "end up at an unexpected detour".

I'm not going to rule out the possibility that the detour could be that final Alex meltdown I thought might happen if she got a story in this episode, but I think it's very unlikely - it's more likely the detour will just involve the usual Dunphy hijinks (hopefully not ending up in a horrible makeover this time).  And it's also possible that Alex will just be along for the unwilling ride and the story ends up being more about Phil, Luke and/or Haley.

The other reason I think dramatics are unlikely is the "crying" in the title might refer to Manny and his wisdom teeth being pulled, along with Gloria trying to break him up from his latest girlfriend while he's recovering.

One final site note: My work schedule this week is in a bit of flux  - it's possible the recap for "Integrity" might be delayed if I have to go into work early Thursday morning.  If that happens I'll probably hit the pillow right at 9:31 PM Wednesday night and won't be posting a recap until sometime Thursday afternoon.  It probably won't be a big deal anyway - I'm more interested in seeing if they air a promo for "Patriot Games" (and will or won't it emphasize Alex's story) before the show ends.

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