Wednesday, April 22, 2015

“You Were The One That Was Wrong” (“Knock 'em Down” Recap)

OK, I wasn't that wrong – Alex was only in two scenes tonight (two more than I expected, though).

This coming up with a line or title from an Avril Lavigne song (and not repeating songs) for every post title in the month of has proven more difficult than I thought – I've had to use songs that weren't among my favorites and even songs I've never heard before (this one was from a song titled “Forgotten” from her second album “Under My Skin”). We might need Alex to run away from home next week for me to use something from my favorite Avril song, “Nobody's Home”.

At first glance, the most interesting thing to happen tonight concerning Alex seemed to have come during one of the dinner scenes, where Claire was mentioning to Ronnie and Amber how Alex was (still) freaking out about where she was going to college, while Claire and Phil were freaking out that Alex might still be going east, an apparent indication that everything might still be up in the air.

However, "upon further review..."

There's one thing to keep in mind – this episode was actually filmed before “Grill, Interrupted”, where we found out Alex had just been accepted into CalTech. And next week's “Integrity” was filmed before both of them. So, we may be looking at simply a case where they planned to air the episodes in the (correct) reverse order of when they actually aired – if Alex goes back to moping about not getting into Harvard next week then it looks like that might be the case.

In other words, I'm not sure there's anything to read into that conversation tonight about where Alex goes next year, and that it's still going to be CalTech. We might have to wait for “Patriot Games”* for clarification.

And maybe, just maybe I was wrong about Ronnie, Jr.?

Alex's Line Of The Night: (after Luke produced his, um, self portrait) ”Never speak to me again.” Yes, the pickings were slim this week...

*Speaking of “Patriot Games”, promo pictures from that episode have been released. The only new things of note that I saw were that Alex and Sanjay will be racing each other at the same time (I thought there might be the possibility they'd make separate runs against the clock, allowing for possible shenanigans by the timekeeper), and that in the last picture neither one looks happy about something, although it's unknown at that point if they know about the tie-breaker.

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