Wednesday, September 23, 2015

“But I Would Walk Five Hundred Miles” (“Summer Lovin'” Recap)

OK, give or take about 138 miles (the distance from Stanford to CalTech)...

I'd love to see Alex and Sanjay stay together – I'm not sure how well their being in the top 1 percent translates into romance, but, for now, why spoil such a nice ending to the start of the new season?

And it was such a refreshing turnaround from what looked like the almost certain heartbreak ending for which their little story seemed destined. I was totally expecting the endgame to be Haley and Andy getting back together (I'm sure that will happen eventually – hopefully Andy will shed those extra pounds for his own sake, BTW) while Alex and Sanjay separately would both be dissolving into two large puddles of tears (OK, Sanjay did, but we didn't see it, and I don't know how Alex wasn't bawling her eyes out herself when she came back home from saying goodbye).

On the other hand, leave it to Alex and Sanjay to live such structured lives that they planned the date of their breakup in advance.

But what happened in August? Was that when Alex went to Europe?

Given her sad mood, I'm shocked that Alex's painting wasn't mostly black (you can probably guess what song I would have used for the post title had that happened).

Alex's Line Of The Night: (After Sanjay said “Oxygen potassium” answering Alex's request to help her study the periodic table) ”Oh, he used the elements to say 'OK'” (giggles). I must be getting old – it took me a few seconds to remember that potassium's periodic table symbol is the letter K.

I looked at a periodic table but couldn't find a combination to spell “always” (there's no “Wa” or “A” or “Ay”). Maybe that's just as well for Sanjay, given what happened to the male half of a famous couple who used that as their "forever" word (it's hard to be a genius with no eyes, unless either Alex or Sanjay can invent robot ones). Oh, wait – the male half of the “OK(ay)” couple didn't fare so well either...

(Hey, I didn't say I'd never make a “The Fault In Our Stars” reference again – just that I wouldn't name the heartbreak section after it again.)

So I'd say it was a pretty good start to the season – let's see what happens next week when Alex moves into her dorm.

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