Monday, September 28, 2015

"Quietly, Take It Or Leave - There Is Nothing To See(?)" (First Impressions - "The Closet Case" - Season 7, Episode 3)

Just like last year with "The Cold",  the press release for the third episode took a while, but it's finally out. 

Unfortunately, as expected, there's nothing about Alex in it, and her roommate is not listed among the guest stars, so it looks like we won't be seeing her on campus (at least it's very unlikely).  But will we even see her at all?  Maybe we'll find out when the promotional pictures or commercial (if any) come out.

Normally (i.e. in past seasons) this would probably rate an "oh, well - wait until the next one".  But I have a feeling whether or not we see Alex at all in this one will tell a lot as to how often we see her this season (or at least until we find out about just what will happen to her in "that" upcoming episode).  If she already goes missing as soon as she starts college that prediction of six Alex-less episodes will look a lot more likely, perhaps even optimistic.

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